It's Time for Our Annual Holiday Lights Trail Walk!
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year in nature’s wonderland, brimming with holiday cheer! Our 1/3 mile trail will be illuminated with twinkling lights. After walking the trail, cozy up to the fire and enjoy roasting a marshmallow with hot chocolate!
DECEMBER 8TH, 9TH, 10TH, 15TH, 16TH 6:30PM-9:00PM), 17TH, 20TH, 21ST, 22ND, 23RD, 29TH, AND 30TH
Want to become a sponsor?
What are the benefits of sponsorship?
The opportunity to give back to our Southwest Florida community
Target market your brand to a new and loyal group of customers throughout the holidays
Share with your customers your support of community causes through the Calusa Nature Center
How can you or your business be actively involved? Your sponsorship options include:
Santa Claus Sponsor: $3,000.00 – Month long large logo on website home page, sponsor note in ticket purchase confirmations, 2 individual yard signs placed at beginning and end of event. Large logo on sponsor banner – special post for sponsors on Facebook and Instagram (will tag your page) and included in sponsor list on all event posts on Facebook.
North Pole Sponsor: $1,000.00 – Month long small logo on website home page, sponsor note in ticket purchase confirmations, 2 individual yard signs placed at beginning and end of event. small logo on sponsor banner – special post for sponsors on Facebook and Instagram (will tag your page) and included in sponsor list on all event posts on Facebook.
Rudolf Sponsor: $500.00 – Month long small logo on website home page, 1 individual yard sign placed at end of event. Small logo on sponsor banner – special post for sponsors on Facebook and Instagram (will tag your page) and included in sponsor list on all event posts on Facebook.
Santa’s Elf Sponsor: $100.00 – 1 individual yard sign placed at end of event. Small logo on sponsor banner – special post for sponsors on Facebook and Instagram (will tag your page) and included in sponsor list on all event posts on Facebook.
Partner with Calusa Nature Center in nature's wonderland this holiday season. We promise it will be a magical experience you – and your customers - won't soon forget!